
Back To Posting Updates!

Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it!

Good reason for that, been so busy with work and life that just posting occasionally to Instagram was enough for me. Glad to say that I am going to be back to posting short updates about the business and the art that is photography and videography!

Some crazy updates to get out of the way first:

- Still shooting on m4/3rds - still loving it! Really want a full frame Lumix though.. hmmm..

- Now shooting a lot more video, and doing my best to build a reasonable portfolio of work to post soon

- Enrolled in a very, very good course called Art of Documentary, and am now in talks with a world champion fighter about a documentary series with him..

- Shot this incredible video for Caseys Furniture during the Cork City Marathon (reach out directly if you want to see the ‘directors cut’):

It is safe to say, mcardphoto has come a long way just in the last 6 months - let alone since it’s inception almost two full years ago now. Hoping to keep this journey going a lot longer :)

Stay tuned, and enjoy this recent spec piece I shot for TS Drift Days at their Watergrasshill practise session last weekend. Loved having the great John Doran involved with his voiceover skills, got another video in the pipeline with some more of Mr.Dorans incredible narration skills on display that will be coming out very soon…