
New Glass!

Very excited to be adding a pro-grade piece of kit to my arsenal in the coming days, which will be absolutely incredible for my event work. I have been searching for a good piece of glass to suit my needs until I upgrade to a new system next year perhaps, and thanks to working with some great clients over the last three months I was able to settle on a very compelling option; the Olympus 40-150mm f/2.8.

I will be holding onto my Panasonic 12-60mm just in case a wider angle is needed, as after all this new lens is essentially an 80-300mm FX frame equivalent so is not the widest of lenses - but it is very fast, has custom function buttons and internal zooming/focusing for weather sealing, so I am sold!

I expect to be bringing this along to a top secret mission in a high end kitchen shooting some chefs at work pretty soon, waiting on a confirmed date for that - but this lens will be fantastic for getting in tight without getting in the way.

Mainly however, this lens will be my primary go-to for my event and corporate work. As well as some in-studio applications that this lens would suit thanks to its unusually close 70cm minimum focusing distance. Who needs a macro lens?

Many thanks to those who have chosen to work with me over the past three months and allow me to continue to re-invest in what I love!

Have a great week,

- John