
Bruxelles Art Vue Book & F-Stop Magazine

Hello all -  happy Saturday;

Some of my images have been selected by F-Stop magazine for a group exhibition in this month’s online edition - Amusement

As well as this great news, I would also like to share that in about one month, you will be able to buy a hardcover edition of the Bruxelles Art Vue book - Street Life 2022 - which includes a selection of some of my favorite street photos that I have taken this year!

Art Vue Foundation supports and promotes all activities in the field of culture and art, by publishing collective art albums, organizing and participating in art fairs and exhibitions as well as
awarding the Art Vue Foundation Prize.

If you would like to donate to the Foundation you can use this link:

You can view the entire online edition of the book here, or if you would like to purchase a hardcover edition of your own please reach out to me to arrange, as they are quite scarce and must be ordered individually!

Many thanks to the publishers and the foundation for selecting my images to be part of this piece of work.

- John